Washington, DC – Count On Coal today announced it will host a Rally for American Energy Jobs on the West Front of the United States Capitol on October 29th, where thousands of American workers from more than a dozen states will gather to hear remarks by elected officials, energy employees and labor leaders.
Hal Quinn, president and CEO of the National Mining Association, urged the administration to hear from these workers who supply 40 percent of the nation’s electricity: “EPA is hosting listening sessions on its power plant regulations. Here’s an opportunity to listen to those directly affected by the agency’s rules.”

Union leader John Roeber, president of the Montana State Building and Construction Trades Council, said in his state, “Coal and energy support good-paying union jobs that enable working men and women to provide for their families. But policymakers in Washington are putting those jobs and livelihoods at risk and creating great anxiety about how Montanans are going to support their families. I’m looking forward to telling Washington why Montana counts on coal for jobs and economic development.”
Ray Ventrone, business manager for Boilermakers Local 154 in Pittsburgh, said “Coal-fired union jobs are part of Pennsylvania’s history and culture, and today good union jobs still count on coal. This is a great event for labor leaders, energy workers from Pennsylvania and elsewhere, and our allies in Congress to send a message to Washington that in our state, we count on coal for good union jobs and affordable, reliable electricity.”
Count on Coal is a broad coalition of interests dedicated to making America aware of the benefits of affordable, reliable coal-generated electricity.
Visit the Count on Coal web site for more information.