Supporting America’s Infrastructure

From foundations to roofs, power plants to wind farms, roads to bridges—America’s infrastructure projects begin with mining.

From foundations to roofs, power plants to wind farms, roads and bridges to communications grids and data storage centers—America’s infrastructure projects begin with mining. Consider that nearly every industry including energy, construction, transportation, and equipment manufacturing requires steel—a material dependent on both metallurgical coal and iron ore for its production. And copper’s flexibility, conformity, thermal and electric conductivity, and resistance to corrosion make it an ideal industrial metal. These are just a few of the ways that mining is contributing to America’s infrastructure.

Member Feature Story

Investing in Zinc

South32 recently announced great news: it will be investing more than $2 billion  to develop the zinc-lead-silver deposit at its Southern Arizona project site. The Hermosa project, the first to be added to the U.S.’s FAST-41 permitting process, has the potential to be one of the world’s largest zinc... Read More

Building America's Infrastructure

LinkedIn Blog: America’s Infrastructure Begins with Mining

In his first ‘State of the Union’ address last month, President Trump declared rebuilding America’s crumbling infrastructure a major priority for this administration. A few weeks later, the president outlined his legislative principles to deliver the safe, reliable, and modern infrastructure that Americans... Read More